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How To Install G729 Codec In Freeswitch

FreeSWITCH G.729A module using the opensource bcg729 implementation by Belledonne Communications.


Simple G.729A codec for FreeSWITCH using the Belledonne Communications G.729A GPLv2 implementation.Please see for further informations.

[Page 2] How to configure g729 pass though on Freeswitch. I am just trialling Freeswitch with Linksys adapters, whose default codec I have set to G729 with 'Use Pref Codec Only:' set to no. Freeswitch@internal> g729_info Permitted G.729 channels: 1 Encoders in use: 0 Decoders in use: 0 g729_count. Returns the number of permitted channels that are licensed on this system. Returns 'true' if the codec is loaded and the license server is available, otherwise returns false.

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The module is a modified version of fsg729 ( ) whichuses the Intel IPP libraries, updated to use a different codec implementation and get rid of Intel stuff.

As of Jan 1 2017, G.729 is a royalty free codec:

You can get a faster and supported G.729A codec by purchasing licensesdirectly from FreeSWITCH guys .This will have the side effect to support the FreeSWITCH project ;)

G729 Codec Download

You need to have git on your build machine and internet access, sincethe Makefile will try to checkout bcg729 sources and build them.

Edit Makefile and edit FS_INCLUDES, FS_MODULES vars to point whereyour FreeSWITCH includes are and where you want to install the module.

After, just type make and, if build completes without errors, make install .

Edit autoload_configs/modules.conf.xml , comment out mod_g729 and add mod_bcg729 .Now restart your FreeSWITCH and you're done.